ÿRSFTSTYLhäˆ(Energy MaterialsEngineeringûûj  This style is for the journals published by Maney Materials and supports the format for the following journals: Advances in Applied Ceramics: <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/aac/> Bubble Science, Engineering and Technology <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/bub/> Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/cst/> Energy Materials: Materials Science and Engineering for Energy Systems<http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/ema/> International Journal of Cast Metals Research <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/ijc/> International Materials Reviews <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/imr/> Ironmaking and Steelmaking <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/irs/> Materials Science and Technology <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/mst/> Mining Technology (Trans. IMM A)<http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/mnt/> Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. IMM C) <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/mpm/> Plastics Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/prc/> Powder Metallurgy <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/pom/> Science and Technology of Welding and Joining <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/stw/> Surface Engineering <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/sur/> Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/imf/> Tribology: Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces <http://www.maney.co.uk/instructions_for_authors/trb/> ! 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